Llandegfedd, Bursting at the seams! — Gavin Vella

Was shocked to find that the fishermans hide was actually under water today. Think the people at WW need to stop filling it up so damn full! It's either one extreme or the other..



Either way, I worked hard today clearing the phragmites reeds at Green Pool. Hopefully people will be able to see the Grebes a little better now. I couldn't clear too much due to breeding birds but I cleared enough to see the water. I had to wade in (my first time wading) and it was quite fun despite having a crotch leak haha (can imagine what I looked like walking back to the car with a wet crotch)... Was shocked how warm the water was! must have been 20c. It took me a couple hours with my little clippers to finish the Job, clippers which I lost in the water.. probably will find them in the winter when the water level drops again.. 

On the way back to the car, the sun appeared and with it, lots of Burnet Moths. Below is a 6-spot Burnet Moth on a Marsh Orchid. 
