Gavin Vella

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New Website Almost Finished!

If you are reading this on my new website, welcome! I hope you find this Blog easier to navigate and find exactly what it is that you'd like to read. As a quick run through, down the right side of the page (or at the bottom if you're on a tablet or phone) you'll see a calendar and also a list of tags. You can navigate my blog by either date or through specific topics that I have set out for you. You can now 'like, comment or share' my blogs and I encourage you to do so as it will help me develop my blog according to my readers. 

While re-designing my website, I thought it would be a good time to give my bands logo a new lease of life and here is the design! You can few my bands live session via this link .

I will also be designing a new website for my band but that might take a while to get organised. Sorting payments out between 4 band members can be hard lol.