What a fantastic start to the month! If you're a birder, you'll probably notice the picture below of a Firecrest! This is my first time ever seeing a Firecrest and that is mainly down to them being so rare! They are so rare that they are a Scheduled 1 Breeding bird in the UK and highly protected at they're nesting sites so I quickly got an ID photo and swiftly moved on. The location is of course going to be kept private for the reasons mentioned above. In other news, Pied Flycatchers look to be having another good year but lets hope the bad weather ahead doesn't effect they're breeding too much. Pied Flycatchers only have 1 clutch in the time they are here so the weather really does play a massive part in the success of they're breeding season. Other birds showed well - Wood Warbler, Whinchat, Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat.