As I've said before, I'm not one to post my spending habits however, considering this purchase effects my images I'm happy to announce my new Canon 7D mk ii has arrived! Now all I need to do is find some time to use it! lol With a new Job I'm struggling to find some day time to test the new gear out in the field. It's set for cloudy this week so won't be able to get anything great.. Or will I? The mk ii boasts better ISO noise performance so who knows, it may take nice photo's in low light conditions. With a new camera and lens, I'm really going to go all out this year once spring arrives. Today I've already noticed the Great Spotted Woodpeckers are doing their anual drumming/nest building so I'm hoping to get some shots of them doing this but I would need some light for that. 

I'll post up some test shots as soon as I can! :D